Food Health Organizations Social Issue 

Athens organizations combat food insecurity with healthier options

ATHENS-CLARKE COUNTY –– According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 34 percent of Athens-Clarke County residents are living in poverty, resulting in many families lacking access to nutritious and affordable food options. Living in poverty doesn’t imply food insecurity, though, as poverty is measured using an annual income threshold, whereas food insecurity is measured based on reliable access to food. While Athens-Clarke County has a poverty rate of over 30 percent, 22 percent of Athens residents are food insecure, according to 2019 County Health Rankings. Local food provision organizations such as Food2Kids,…

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Budget Cuts to McGovern-Dole Food Aid Program

WASHINGTON: While President Donald Trump proposed the elimination of international food aid programs entirely, the U.S. House of Representatives’ 2018 agriculture budget has a milder reduction of $16 million from the 2017 budget. The McGovern-Dole program, introduced by former senators Bob Dole (R-Kan) and George McGovern (D-S.D.), was designed to reduce hunger while also educating children in food-deficient countries. In 2016, the program cost around $200 million and provided meals for over 2.2 million people in countries such as Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Malawi. “The entire time I was [in Ethiopia], I was thinking about the wonderful stuff…

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